K About All Things Possible Medical Fundraising

About All Things Possible Medical Fundraising


Lisa Sexton, Founder and Executive Director, was hospitalized in the fall of 2010 for an entire month battling a rare autoimmune liver disease. While home recuperating, the medical bills started pouring in. The fear and stress that goes along with those bills occupied her thoughts daily. This crisis is what God used to demonstrate His power and plant a seed in her heart to want to help others going through similar financial hardships due to medical situations.

Click Here to learn more about our founding.

Since 2013, All Things Possible Has Been Helping Families with Medical Needs

Alone, we can each make a difference. Collectively, we can change the world.

From Our Blog

Double Your Donation Impact: Unleash the Power of Matching Gifts

July 2024

Together We Rise: Funding Freedom, One Donation at a Time

July 2024

All Things Possible: 36 Vans = 36 Lives Transformed

July 2024

All Things Possible Has Been Featured On

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