K Article K The Impact of Fundraisers: How an Annual Golf Tournament Offers Fun for a Good Cause

The Impact of Fundraisers: How an Annual Golf Tournament Offers Fun for a Good Cause

The Impact of Fundraisers: How an Annual Golf Tournament Offers Fun for a Good Cause

All Things Possible has been hosting an annual golf tournament to raise funds for our cause. This year, the tournament will take place on Thursday, May 4, from 8:30-3:30 at the Highland Creek Golf Club in Charlotte.

This golf tournament is open to any foursome or individual who wants to come out for a day of fun and camaraderie, all with the intention of supporting All Things Possible. Our organization is passionate about meeting the needs of handicapped individuals in our area, and we do so by providing families with wheelchair vans to safely transport their disabled family member. Because these vans cost a lot, it takes a lot of generous donations to serve our community well, and the golf tournament has a huge impact on our fundraising efforts.

Interview with a Participant

We recently chatted with Scott, who has participated in our golf tournament for several years, about why he keeps coming back to this particular fundraising event. He told us that he plays with the same foursome, and they all look forward to it every year. He said that it’s not even really about golf—it’s about fellowship, the friendly competition, and knowing you’re helping a great organization. Scott shared that he isn’t really a golfer per se, but the event gives him an opportunity to relieve stress, spend the day outdoors, and connect with his buddies, and it’s always a day that he enjoys to the fullest.

Scott also shared with us that the event is also about connecting with others in your community and helping to bring awareness to a great organization. He said that anyone can make a donation and not actually play in the tournament, but playing and participating gives you a sense of belonging and connection, and it reminds you that there is so much good in the world.

Far-Reaching Impacts

All Things Possible is meeting a critical need that no other organization is. And, as Scott mentioned, it’s about far more than just a wheelchair van. These vans provide families with an opportunity to engage in the outside world. They allow people who may not have been able to leave their houses before to get outdoors, visit family members, travel to doctors’ appointments, and so much more. Giving people mobility in the world outside their homes is a massive gift that changes their lives forever.

Many of the previous van recipients are now actively engaged in All Things Possible, from attending events to sharing about the cause to donating their own funds. Some will even be volunteering at the tournament. They want to be cheerleaders for the organization and help make a difference for more families, and that is a big testament to the work that All Things Possible is doing.

Golf tournament registration ends at 11:59 PM on Tuesday, April 25, so be sure to secure your spot now. Partner with All Things Possible and know that your small contribution could help change someone’s entire life. Contact us now or register for the golf tournament today.


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