K Article K Double Your Donation Impact: Unleash the Power of Matching Gifts

Double Your Donation Impact: Unleash the Power of Matching Gifts

Double Your Donation Impact: Unleash the Power of Matching Gifts

Does your employer offer matching gift programs? If so, these can essentially double your contribution to the causes you care about!  Here’s how it works:

You donate to a qualified non-profit organization. (All Things Possible Medical Fundraising is listed on most of these programs.)

You submit a matching gift request form to your employer.

Your company verifies your donation and matches it, often at a 1:1 ratio, but some programs offer even more generous matches (2:1 or even 3:1!).

This incredible benefit is often underutilized by employees.  Think about it – a $100 donation becomes $200 with a company match.  Suddenly, your contribution can make a significant difference for a worthy cause.

But how do you know if your company offers a matching gift program? Here are some resources to help you find out:

Your company intranet: Search for keywords like “matching gifts,” “charitable giving,” or “employee philanthropy.”

Human Resources department: Contact HR directly to inquire about their matching gift program details.

Double the Donation: This website allows you to search for a company’s matching gift program details by employer name.

Even if your company doesn’t have a formal matching program, it doesn’t hurt to ask!  Some companies may offer volunteer grant programs or other charitable initiatives that support employee giving.

Unlocking the power of matching gifts is a win-win.  Your support of All Things Possible Medical Fundraising gives a boosted financial impact, and your company strengthens its commitment to social responsibility. So, explore this valuable benefit today and watch your charitable giving go further!

Here’s a bonus tip: All Things Possible Medical Fundraising’s donation page includes a checkbox to indicate if your donation is eligible for a match, and it prompts you to enter your employer’s information.

Please help All Things Possible Medical Fundraising maximize their impact to the community of wheelchair users by maximizing your contribution.


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