K Article K 5 “A’s” of Access to Care

5 “A’s” of Access to Care

Five “A”s of Access to Care

People with disabilities can face significant barriers when it comes to accessing community services, ranging from healthcare services to communication barriers. Addressing these challenges requires a concerted effort to identify and eliminate barriers to care. All Things Possible aims to provide increased accessibility to wheelchair users who need handicapped vehicles for transportation. While All Things Possible does not control state or federal accessibility regulations, we aim to provide you with helpful knowledge and tips to increase your access to care. The five “A”s of access to care explore key strategies for ensuring that individuals with disabilities get their needs met for their health, well-being, and quality of life. Consider the following steps that will ensure that people with disabilities are treated with the same level of respect and dignity as anyone else. 


Affordability refers to the cost of healthcare services and resources of people with disabilities. To ensure people with disabilities have access to quality healthcare, these services must also be financially affordable. Individuals with disabilities face increased challenges with financial hardship compared to the general population.


Availability refers to the presence of healthcare resources and services readily available to address the needs of people with disabilities. Examples of availability include physical infrastructure, such as accessible restrooms and ramps, and medical equipment designed to meet the needs of people with disabilities. Availability also refers to having healthcare providers who have training and expertise in treating specific disabilities or conditions.


Accessibility refers to the ability of people with disabilities to access the services they need without facing barriers or discrimination. Physical and attitudinal barriers can negatively impact a person’s ability to access quality healthcare services. From handicapped parking spaces to accessible building entrances, accessibility to information and services is a key aspect of inclusive services for people with disabilities.


Accommodation refers to the need to make reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. In healthcare settings, this can look like providing assistance with communication, mobility, and various activities of daily living. Making reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities ensures access to services is on an equal basis for everyone.


Acceptability refers to the social and cultural acceptability for various services and resources designed specifically for individuals with disabilities. Treating individuals with disabilities with respect and dignity is crucial for creating a welcoming and inclusive community. Individuals with disabilities may face stereotypes, discrimination, and stigmatization that can impact their ability to access needed services and care. Addressing challenges to acceptability helps promote greater equity and inclusion in society.

The Sixth A: All Things Possible

All Things Possible is a non-profit organization serving the Charlotte metropolitan area that is focused on addressing the five “A”s of access to care for individuals with disabilities. Through medical fundraising and gifting wheelchair vans to families in need, All Things Possible aims to bring awareness to and respect for wheelchair users with handicap vehicles. We recognize that accessibility to parking is critically important for wheelchair users and hope to create a more inclusive society one wheelchair van at a time.


All Things Possible is also committed to addressing aspects of affordability and accommodation for people in wheelchairs. Wheelchair-accessible vans are essential for those with disabilities who utilize wheelchairs or mobility devices to move around. Wheelchair vans provide a safe and convenient way for people to travel independently and make a significant impact on their quality of life. Contact All Things Possible today to donate or learn more about how to get involved.

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